martes, 16 de julio de 2013

The Walking Dead "The prison" diorama

Acabo de terminar mi último trabajo, un diorama de la prisión de Walking Dead para las figuras de

Me ha llevado bastante tiempo, el corredor, la basura y sobre todo el muro grande. He tenido que pintar uno a uno más de 1.000 ladrillos, pero por fin lo terminé.

He utilizado madera, cartón pluma, aluminio, papel de lija, pvc, malla metálica, brocha, cartón y papel. Mide 40 cm x 39 cm x 28cm.

De momento sólo tengo las figuras de Michonne, Merle y un zombie, hasta que salgan en septiembre las de Carl, Daryl, el gobernador, etc... para completar el diorama.

Hi, after a lot of work I´ve just finished my Walking Dead diorama "The prison", that was built to place the 5" scale figures from McFarlane Toys.

When I had the idea, I didn´t think that it would take so much time to make, just the big wall took me about 3 weeks, because of painting about 1.000 bricks one by one.The passage and the trash took a lot of work to make too.

The materials I used to make the dio were wood, foam board, aluminium, sand paper, pvc, wire mesh, brush, carton and paper. The measurements are 40 cm x 39 cm x 28 cm.

In the pictures there are only 3 figures, Michonne, Merle and a zombie, I have to wait til september to complete the dio with the new figures, Carl, Daryl, the Governor...

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