Me ha llevado bastante tiempo, el corredor, la basura y sobre todo el muro grande. He tenido que pintar uno a uno más de 1.000 ladrillos, pero por fin lo terminé.
He utilizado madera, cartón pluma, aluminio, papel de lija, pvc, malla metálica, brocha, cartón y papel. Mide 40 cm x 39 cm x 28cm.
De momento sólo tengo las figuras de Michonne, Merle y un zombie, hasta que salgan en septiembre las de Carl, Daryl, el gobernador, etc... para completar el diorama.
Hi, after a lot of work I´ve just finished my Walking Dead diorama "The prison", that was built to place the 5" scale figures from McFarlane Toys.
When I had the idea, I didn´t think that it would take so much time to make, just the big wall took me about 3 weeks, because of painting about 1.000 bricks one by one.The passage and the trash took a lot of work to make too.
The materials I used to make the dio were wood, foam board, aluminium, sand paper, pvc, wire mesh, brush, carton and paper. The measurements are 40 cm x 39 cm x 28 cm.
In the pictures there are only 3 figures, Michonne, Merle and a zombie, I have to wait til september to complete the dio with the new figures, Carl, Daryl, the Governor...